GEMINI 4857 SERIES – probes calibration

The Gemini range of Dry Blocks have high capacity allowing a large number of probes to be calibrated together, ISOTECH isotech


  • Calibrate Large Diameter Probes
  • High Capacity Blocks 64 x 160mm
  • Calibrate Whole Measurement Loop

The Gemini range of Dry Blocks have high capacity allowing a large number of probes to be calibrated together. They are also suitable to accept large diameter probes with the block volume of a nominal 64 x 160mm. Whilst the large block takes longer to heat and cool than the Jupiter it can calibrate thermocouples, resistance thermometers, thermostats and sensors that are too largefor the smaller blocks.

These award winning calibrators are easy to use and are available in three versions – the Basic, the Site and the ADVANCED. The Basic has a digital display of set and nominal temperature, the Site additionally includes an inbuilt independent temperature indicator for a reference probe. The ADVANCED controller has inputs for reference and test thermometers with a further range of sophisticated features including automatic temperature cycling, secure data logging and full colour high resolution display. All models include I-Cal Easy LOG software and the ADVANCED models additionally include software to manage logged data and configure the unit.

Available with a fixed block with four 8mm and four 19.5mm pockets or the LRI version which has a removable block.With the LRI model, blocks can be drilled to custom configurations.

Isotech is a world leader in temperature calibration, providing many nations with their Primary Standards and operates a full scale UKAS accredited calibration laboratory. We can offer a range of calibration options to meet your requirements.

These models meet the calibration capacity requirements of EURAMET/cg-13/v.01, “EA Guidelines on the Calibration of Temperature Block Calibrators, formerly EA10/13.

Gemini 4857 Data Sheet